Hourly Comic Day 2020

#hourlycomicday happens on the 1st of February every year. It’s an open invitation to all comic artists and people who are in the mood to draw. The gist is: share a drawing of what happened in your day, hour by hour. Some people batch their drawings, others do it the next day, some share it as it happens, others post belatedly weeks later. The constraints are stretchy, and so you can play however you like.

This time enough enablers were in place to allow me to participate! In particular (1) it fell on a weekend (2) a friend reminded me about it, otherwise I might have completely missed it (3) I happened to have a frolicky agenda with an abundance of time to dabble in doodling.

Which is great, because it actually took hours for me to draw these. The experience gave me a microscopic taste of what it might have been like for Buckminster Fuller of the Dymaxion Chronofiles to document his life every 15 minutes for over 60 years.

The most extreme lifestyle aspiration I have is not as extreme: to spend half the day journalling about the other half.

hourly comic day 1
hourly comic day 2
hourly comic day 3
hourly comic day 4
hourly comic day 5
hourly comic day 6
hourly comic day 8
hourly comic day 9
hourly comic day 10
hourly comic day 11